Prenatal/Perinatal Bodywork

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner

Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner Badge®

Prepare Your Body For An Easier Birth

As a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, I am equipped with the knowledge and skills to help you take a proactive physiologic approach to preparing your body for birth in order to make birth easier for you and your baby with prenatal/perinatal bodywork. Spinning Babies® techniques can help to create balance in the pelvis and encourage your baby into an optimal position for birth.

Breech Birth Options

Depending on your unique situation, you may not have to have a cesarean birth just because your baby is breech. If certain criteria are met, you may be able to birth your baby vaginally with me as your midwife. I am not an expert in breech birth, but I have some experience, and am have also completed Breech Without Borders training. I believe that breech birth skills should be kept alive, as they are quite limited in many hospitals. 

As well as the option to deliver vaginally, you may be able to turn your breech baby to a head-down position using Spinning Babies® techniques.

Newborn baby in parents' hands | midwifery services | Bodywork | Spinning Babies | breech birth options | breech midwife

Abdominal Therapy

Kate providing Abdominal Therapy | prenatal bodywork | breech options

A More Comfortable And Balanced Pregnancy

Abdominal Therapy (AKA Arvigo® Therapy) supports the physical changes experienced by women during pregnancy. As the baby and uterus grow, additional strain is put on the uterine and pelvic ligaments and pelvic floor muscles. With regular massage, the uterus stays well-positioned, receives good blood supply, and grows strong and resilient.

Abdominal Therapy normalizes pelvic alignment allowing the uterus to guide itself to optimal positioning in the pelvis. Digestion and respiration during pregnancy are also improved with this prenatal bodywork.

Abdominal Therapy practitioners around the world have repeatedly found that their clients experience significantly shorter and easier labors. Midwifery-based practices that have integrated Abdominal Therapy into their care have reported positive differences in birth outcomes as evidenced by more efficient contractions and shorter labors.

It is advisable to begin working with your Abdominal Therapy practitioner as soon as possible to provide you and your baby with the maximum benefits these sessions can offer you. Ideally you would schedule six to nine prenatal sessions and a six week postpartum session as well.

Origins Of Abdominal Therapy

The Arvigo® Techniques of Abdominal Therapy as taught by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN, are the legacy of an unbroken chain of knowledge handed down from generation to generation of midwives and traditional healers in Central America.  This therapy is founded on an ancient Maya technique of abdominal therapy that helps guide internal abdominal organs into their proper position so that organ functions are supported and enhanced. It is an external, gentle and non-invasive massage to the abdomen and lower back.

Abdominal Therapy benefits women throughout the child-bearing year by enhancing fertility and conception, supporting structural changes and alleviating discomfort, providing optimal birth position for baby thereby easing labor, birth and postpartum recovery.

At your initial session, you will be taught SELF-CARE MASSAGE which adds to the therapeutic benefits of your session when you perform it at home. Pregnant moms report enhanced wellness benefits when they do their self-care massage regularly.

Rosita and Don Eljio | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
Rosita & Don Ellijio Panti, Belize, Central America

Wellness Benefits Of Abdominal Therapy At-A-Glance By Body System

  • Strengthens uterine ligaments
  • Decreases ligament discomfort
  • Enhances optimal functional alignment of all reproductive organs
  • Supports optimal fetal alignment
Pregnant Belly | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
  • Decreasese chronic muscle tension, restores balance to overstretched muscles and ligaments
  • Improves pelvic alignment, addressing sciatic and pelvic pain
  • Improves sacrum mobility and alignment to facilitate an efficient birth
Muscles | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
  • Improves blood flow to mother and baby
  • Improves blood flow to pelvic floor muscles
  • Improves lymphatic circulation and decreases incidence of edema (swelling).
Stretching | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
  • Releases tension in ribcage and diaphragm, making it easier to breathe more deeply
  • Reduces rib pain
Woman Smelling Flower | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
  • Increases oxytocin, suppressing tension and anxiety and cultivating confidence for mother and her love for her baby
  • Supports emotional healing of past traumas
Peaceful Woman | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy
  • Helps with digestion, reducing nausea and heartburn
  • Improves absorption of nutrients.
  • Improves elimination
Woman Holding Pregnant Belly | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy

Empty Arms, Empty Womb

I offer a complimentary Abdominal Therapy session to any woman who has lost a baby within 6 weeks of the loss.

Sad Woman Statue | Prenatal Bodywork | Abdominal Therapy